Friday, November 02, 2007

Oh, hai!

Well, I'm pretty sure that Halloween was always intended to be as fun as it was, I just hadn't experienced it yet. Now that I have, never again will I let a Halloween go by without such adventure. Some of my coworking friends played a set; it was extraordinary. I couldn't have imagined that such a good band would come out of Arkansas. I can't even say Pilotdrift came out of Arkansas...they were on the Texas side of Texarkana.
Of course, the next morning I had to go to work at 8:30 on a very bad 3 hours of sleep. And I considered going home, but then I realized that everyone working was really hungover. It would have been rude of me to leave. My manager called me and made sure I wasn't hungover. That made me laugh a lot a lot alot. He also told me he wasn't coming in because he was "sick". So I had a good 8 hour shift on my toes and I went home and died a little.
This weekend I'm going to Little Rock. For sure. I have plans lined up, a house to stay at and fun to be had.
So(for you, reader of my blog), I give you photos of my week.

being: "radish"

reading: "come to fuck mt."

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